Coming Soon: The Meta Warrior Courses
We’re excited to announce that our two incredible courses are set to come out soon.
The amount of work that has gone into these courses is substantial, from the outlining to the production to the editing post production. Thanks to our friend Shahrukh Tailor for directing the entire project. You can follow his work here.
The first course is called the Alpha course by Lore Rey. She’s our behavior change, nutrition, and sports performance specialist with an incredible background in health, history, philosophy, and culture.
The course gets into nutrition, nutrigenetics, deuterium, macros, and so much more. Here’s a preview below of the outline itself.

Nutrition Fundamentals
- Emphasizes the importance of individualized nutrition and its various influencing factors
- Explores key topics including macronutrients, micronutrients, anabolic vs catabolic processes, diets, and diagnostics
Nutrition and Genetics Interplay
- Examines the relationship between nutrition and genetics
- Covers nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, and genetic polymorphisms
Advanced Nutritional Concepts
- Investigates the role of the gut microbiome in nutrition
- Explores the electron transport chain and its nutritional implications
- Discusses the significance of deuterium in nutritional science
Environmental Factors
- Considers the impact of latitude on nutrition and genetics
Module #1: Nutrition, Genetics & Latitude

Module #2: Behavior Modification, Habits Formation & Culture

This course is detailed and gets into one of the most underrated aspects of health, behavior change. Countless people struggle with the behavior change portion of this work. They know what needs to be done, but for some reason they self-sabotage or can’t seem to follow through.
The second course is called The 80/20 course by
who is a circadian optimization expert. Many of you likely subscribed to The Meta Warrior Substack through my recommendation.
This course is designed to serve as the bible for circadian biology, covering both the high level science and explanations along with the practical action steps needed to embody the circadian lifestyle.
Why 80/20?
Because it’s based on the Pareto Principle for efficiency.
Here’s a breakdown of the course.

Module #1: Circadian Biology, Light Environment, & Sleep

Module #2: Grounding & Electromagnetism

Module #3: Water & Hydration

These courses are truly the cutting edge of health.
Many of these subjects will never be discussed in mainstream centralized circles, which is why we decided to create these courses from a decentralized point of view.
Along with high production videos (that you have yet to see), we will also include Notion PDFs with full detailed breakdowns of every sub-section. Links, studies, the whole 9 yards.
This is coming very soon.
Stand by as we release other details, along with the date they go live and the pricing/platform it will be on.
We can’t wait for you to get your hands on these courses!