Taimoor Dogar

Taimoor Dogar

Business Development

Taimoor Dogar is a polymath and entrepreneur who is medically trained. He has a passion for health, tech, data, and integration. As a graduate of medical school, he loves to teach and write about bio-statistics and health sciences. He aligns with any person, idea, or product that is built to empower individuals. He is always available to grab a cup of epigallocatechin gallate (i.e Tea)  and talk innovation.

Aabid Farukhi

Aabid Farukhi

Medical Director

Aabid Farukhi, MD is a board-certified musculoskeletal radiologist with a specific interest in optimizing muscle health and function. His approach towards the practice of medicine and life in general is to adopt lifestyle choices to optimize your body, and ultimately your life.

Lore Rey

Lore Rey

Sports Performance Director

Lore Rey is a certified Sports Performance Specialist, Health Coach, Behavior Change Specialist, and Personal trainer with a B.S in Human Nutrition and DXA technician. Her entrepreneurial altruism sets her apart, and helping others achieve sustainable wellness is her passion.

Sayuri Amaya

Sayuri Amaya

Exercise Science Director

Sayuri Amaya is a certified Personal Trainer, Registered Yoga Teacher, and RMR & VO2 technician. She holds a B.S. in Physical Education and a Masters in Exercise Science.

General FAQs:

1. Do you have a nutrition program?

Yes. Lore Rey and Sayuri Amaya run the Alpha Program which is a macro-based behavior/nutrition program. In this program, you receive our tailored macros, meal guidelines, and online nutrition & behavior coaching.

2. Do I need to be an athlete to book with Meta Warrior?

The Meta Warrior focuses on athletes (amateur & professional) however if you’re looking for diagnostics or general public nutrition and training we have that available as well through The Warrior Room. Please feel free to contact us and we will point you in the right direction.

3. What is a Macro Diet?

A macro diet focuses on the three primary macronutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates

Diagnostics FAQs:

1. How long is a DXA scan?

Our DXA scan appointment is 30-min long. The actual scan is about 7-9min long. The rest of the time is taken up by our consultation where one of our tech specialists will go through your data with you and answer any questions.

2. How long is an RMR Test?

Our RMR test appointment is 30-min long. The actual test is about 8-15min long. The rest of the time is taken up by our consultation where one of our tech specialists will go through your data with you and answer any questions.

3. How long is a VO2 Test?

Our VO2 test appointment is 40-min long. The actual test depends on how long it will take to fatigue you (usually less than 20min). The rest of the time is taken up by our consultation where one of our tech specialists will go through your data with you and answer any questions.

4. What do I need to do to prepare for my DXA scan?

Make sure you have not had x-rays done in the last 2-weeks, come in wearing workout attire with no metal or dense plastic. Be prepared to remove all jewelry. Make sure to be well hydrated (at least 16 oz of water), being fast is optional, if you do eat prior to your appointment make sure it’s 2 hrs prior and it’s not a big meal.

5. What do I need to do to prepare for my RMR test?

RMR tests require a 12hr fast, zero consumption of stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, etc) on the day of the test, 12hrs abstentions from exercise. Please be well-hydrated. If you have a cold, flu, or allergies we will need to reschedule your appointment.

6. What do I need to do to prepare for my VO2 test?

VO2 tests require a 24hr abstention from exercise and zero consumption of stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, etc) on the day of the test. Fasting is optional, please be well-hydrated. If you have a cold, flu, or allergies we will need to reschedule your appointment.

7. What is a Fit3D scan?

The Fit3D Body Scanner safely, privately, and accurately allows you to capture and track valuable data relating to wellness and body shape goals. Data such as 3D avatar, circumference measurements, body composition, posture analytics, weight, & balance.

Contact Us Today!

At The Meta Warrior, we are passionate about helping athletes reach their full potential. We believe that with the right tools and support, anyone can become a warrior in their own right. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself.